Course curriculum

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    Housekeeping - how to use this course & what to expect

    • A message from Jo

    • How to use this course

    • Quick quiz! Wait! What? I haven't even learned anything yet!

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    Let's get started!

    • Need some hope? Hear me talk about my story.

    • The root causes of autoimmune disease

    • What's in our food supply?

    • Ok so what's this about arsenic?

    • Gluten

    • Another source of lurking toxins

    • Download your course workbook PDF

    • The obvious overlap

    • Additional resources for this module's topics

    • Review what you've learned

    • Book a coaching call with Jo

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    The endocrine system, immune system & hormones

    • The Endocrine System

    • Video: periods, birth control, hypothyroidism and PMS

    • A deeper dive into endocrine disruptors

    • 12 of the worst hormone-altering chemicals and how to avoid them

    • Video: Hormones - they are more than what we deal with in puberty!

    • Video: How does nutrition factor into hormone health?

    • Additional resources

    • Review what you've learned

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    Stress & Trauma

    • Stress, trauma and the HPA axis

    • Effects of stress & trauma

    • What role do head injuries play? And what's the connection to the vagus nerve?

    • Understanding trauma - we can't keep stuffing it down.

    • Trauma and the nervous system

    • Plant extracts to help with stress and trauma

    • Terpines & Sesquiterpenes - what are they and how do they work?

    • Terpenes continued

    • Additional resources

    • Review what you've learned

    • Book a coaching call with Jo

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    Mindset & AFT

    • Mindset

    • Aroma Freedom Technique (AFT) Session 1

    • The Secret

    • The law of attraction

    • Mindset mini-workshop: video and workbook

    • Additional resources

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    Food & Diet

    • Forks Over Knives

    • Food & drinks for energy

    • Food additives

    • What can we do?

    • The Carnivore diet

    • The Game Changers

    • Additional resources

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    Essential oils for the endocrine system

    • A well-rounded strategy

    • Essential oils for endocrine system health

    • How to safely and enjoyably use essential oils

    • Mostly brand-neutral essential oils for GENERAL support of the endocrine system

    • The pituitary gland

    • The hypothalamus

    • Hormones involved in reproduction

    • Menopause & essential oils that can help

    • For the guys - brand-neutral essential oils & what diet is best to prevent or reverse ED

    • Brand-neutral essential oils for libido - women - with a book recommendation

    • The thyroid

    • The thyroid, continued...

    • The adrenals

    • The liver

    • Essential oils and supplements for liver health - some brand-neutral, some Young Living

    • Emotion held in the liver

    • The pancreas and oils and supplements that help support it

    • The thymus and the lymphatic system

    • Parathyroid glands

    • The mind-body-spirit connection

    • Aroma Freedom Technique Session 2

    • Additional resources

    • Book a coaching call with Jo

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    Wellness takes guts

    • Gut Health

    • Jo and Kathy Davis from VegInspired talk about gut health

    • To drink your fruits & greens or not drink your fruits & greens? Juicing & smoothies.

    • So how DO you keep your gut and liver healthy?

    • Skin health & collagen

    • Foods high in fibre

    • Additional resources

    • Review what you've learned

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    Self-advocacy & what I did

    • Self-advocacy

    • My lifestyle changes and timeline

    • Additional resources

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    Managing symptoms naturally

    • Managing nerve pain

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Other brand-neutral essential oils helpful for pain relief

    • Additional resources

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    You did it!

    • Congratulations!

    • Before you go...

    • More resources for you

    • Book a coaching call with Jo